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Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017


Shock and disgrace

Prime Minister loses control over Government MPs’ parliament attendance THE Parliamentary Opposition Leader Honourable Jeremiah Manele has described Government MPs lack of commitment in attending Parliament as ‘shocking and disgraceful’. In a statement yesterday, the Opposition Leader said it was inexcusable for Government MPs not to attend Parliament especially to support the National Development Strategy (NDS) 2016-2035 Report; a motion moved by the Minister of Planning & Aid Coordination for Parliament to consider the NDS. On Monday this week, Parliament was unable to continue with its business in the afternoonRead More

New temporary Labour ward for the NRH

IN June this year the NRH was forced to close the hospitals only labour ward because of concerns over its dilapidated state and when staff  were being put into situations were overcrowding began occasioning unhygienic practices. The PS of Health and Medical Services, Dr. Tenneth Dalipanda and the NRH’s Medical Superintendent, Dr. Rooney Jagili set about finding new facilities and their efforts were supported by the NRH staff and executives. Yesterday, Monday, 31 July, just a month following the closure of the original labour ward, Dr. Dalipanda had the pleasureRead More

Producing virgin oil providing a source of income in Matanagoa village, Makira Ulawa Province

 A crushing mill provided and installed by World Vision under its Community Economic Development (CED) Project is providing the residents of Matanagoa Village in Makira-Ulawa Province a ready source of income. By using the mill and crushing dry coconuts, virgin oil is produced and shipped to Honiara for sale to Kokonut Pacific Solomon Islands. Since the installation of the mill, everyone in the community has taken a hand in collecting dry coconuts and for which they receive payment when delivered to the mill. The money generated by the production andRead More

Regional Pacific news with an eye to Solomon Islands

A round-up of regional Pacific news this week broadcast by Radio New Zealand International focused on events close to home in the Solomon Islands and are worth mentioning. An advocacy group in Papua New Guinea has launched a petition calling on the new parliament to establish an Independent Commission Against Corruption within 100 days of taking office. Legislation to set up the commission was passed by the government in 2015, but the office was never created. “It is estimated about 50 percent of the government’s annual development budget is stolen everyRead More

GRIM forecast on Climate Change

Dear Editor, ACCORDING to a grim report by Oliver Milman in the UK Guardian newspaper, there is only a 5% chance that the Earth will avoid warming by at least 2C come the end of the century, according to new research that paints a sobering picture of the international effort to stem dangerous climate change. Quoting from Mr. Milman’ article here is what he had to say:- “Global trends in the economy, emissions and population growth make it extremely unlikely that the planet will remain below the 2C threshold setRead More