Calls for a wharf to be built in Kirakira
COMMUTERS in Makira Ulawa province are calling on the provincial government to the address the lack of wharf in the provincial capital, Kirakira.
Wainoni commuter Silas Wehi says a wharf is what the province desperately needs in order for real development to come to the province.
“I have been coming to Kirakira since I was a kid and it is a surprise to see the capital still without a wharf,” he said.
“I have seen governments come and go but none have the eyes to recognise and see the real infrastructures Kirakira and the rest of the province desperately needs.”
Mr Wehi says if the province capital had a wharf it will attract investors and real development to the province.
“The current leader’s need to open their eyes and see the infrastructures and the development this province needs.
“With a wharf come proper roads. A proper road means ease of transportation within the province which saves time, money and fuel.
“These are some of the things that attract investors to our province when looking to expand their business out to the province.
“The province’s leaders need to start leading and showing the way instead of serving themselves. If none of these services are provide then how can we expect investors to come and invest in our province,” he said.
Meanwhile Makira Ulawa Province chief development officer Ian Waena says development is coming to the province and is calling on the people to cooperate.
“We are seeing bright lights at the end of the tunnel for our province. Soon a visibility study on the wharf will be carried out next month with the building of a ramp plus the building of a new market house at Kirakira.
“The government of the day is serious on brining development to the provinces and has allocated funds for us to make these developments happen,” Mr Waena said.
The provincial development officer adds all the stakeholders are now coming and working together to make these developments happen.
“The province acknowledges the NGO’s, private sectors in the province and the DDCG government for showing seriousness in bringing development to this province.
“The only challenged is for customary land owners to open their lands for more developments to come to our province,” he said.