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April, 2017


Coconut rehab programme in Roviana

THOUSANDS of coconut seedlings kept about a year at Vavanatita farm in the bush behind Munda will be destined for plantation owners and operators for planting and replanting in the Roviana and Vonavona lagoon regions under a DCC government Rehabilitation programme which has been aimed at revitalising the coconut industry in Solomon Islands. This is the start of a major Coconut Rehabilitation programme. The new seedlings have since been collected last weekend and are now stored at the shades outside the main Extension Office in Munda ready to be transportedRead More

Members of WYCA Honiara celebrate achievements

THE YWCA’s celebration to mark World YWCA Day has given an opportunity for women to once again recognise their achievements. The event is a world renowned platform celebrated annually on April 24 and Solomon Islands YWCA members observed it yesterday. The President for YWCA, Solomon Islands Mrs Georgina Ariki said the celebration is crucial to recognise achievements locally and internationally with determination and strength to move their obligations. “It is a day where we all recognise our achievements and how important we work together as team and bring everyone together,Read More

Respac workshop a success

THE one week long RESPAC (Disaster Resilience in the Pacific SIDS) workshop heads towards the end of it’s one week study tour in the country. The workshop accommodates the RESPAC project which is focused on strengthening early warning systems (EWs) and climate monitoring capacity as well as to strengthen preparedness and planning of ways to manage disaster recovery. Yesterday’s discussion concentrated on the presentations of the four participating countries; Fiji, Vanuatu, Samoa and Solomon Islands on their initial findings and recommendations for support in terms of data quality and enhancedRead More

Ratification of Federal Constitution could take another two years

THE ratification process of the Federal Constitution could take another two years to be completed and is up to the Democratic Coalition for Change Government (DCCG) on how to do so. This is according to the Policy Secretary of Fundamental Reforms of the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (OPMC) Warren Paia. The Policy Secretary made the comprehensive response to queries sent to him by Island Sun. “After the Prime Minister has received the Draft Federal Constitution, it will be up to the DCC Government to find a wayRead More

Last Federal Constitution Draft to be completed by May

FINE tuning of the second 2014 Draft Federal Constitution is being done this year based on the former draft. This was confirmed to Island Sun by the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (OPMC) Policy Secretary of Fundamental Reforms, Warren Paia. “Once the last Draft has been finalized at the end of May (next month), it will be produced as a public document, and a copy will be handed to Prime Minister Sogavare. “It is interesting to note that the PM who initiated the task 10 years ago willRead More

Last series of DFCs work in progress till May

THE last series of Draft Federal Constitutions (DFCs) will be worked on until the end of May this year. This was confirmed to Island Sun by the Policy Secretary of Fundamental Reforms of the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (OPMC) Warren Paia. “The Draft Federal Constitution (DFC) that the CC and EPAC are working on, until the end of May, will be the last of a series of DFCs. The first Draft was made in 2004,” Mr Paia said. The Policy Secretary then added that the current Draft contains theRead More

Solomon Host graduates 50 technical students

THE Solomon Host (SH) graduated 50 technical students under its three-month training courses, which ended in delightful manner on Wednesday. As the country heads towards tourism development, the Solomon Host recently has included 50 human resources who are now experts in Tourism and Hospitality. The Under Secretary for Ministry of Culture and Tourism Mr Moses Tepai in his keynote address encourages students, saying they are in the right industry. He also highlighted ADB two weeks ago showed the green light that starts to increase the phase, momentum and determination forRead More

New Zealand supporting the country’s cocoa industry

THE Solomon Islands cocoa and chocolate week 2017 who also worked with the pacific horticultural and agricultural market access programme launched Solomon Islands Gold chocolate yesterday During the launching of the Solomon Gold 2017 New Zealand’s deputy of high commissioner to the Solomon Islands Mr Tim Breeze stated that sustainable economic development is at the heart of New Zealand’s support here in the country exporters to gain access to overseas market is a critical part of that focus. Mr Tim said that alongside Australia they support the Solomon Islands cocoaRead More

Poor Malaita Roads

DEAR EDITOR, it’s time all our members of parliament wake up from your day dreams about staka money for your own pockets and come together to team up and contribute 20 percent of your RCDF allocations each to a special fund to be called “MALAITA RURAL CONSTITUENCIES ROAD MAINTENANCE FUND” to be setup under the management of Malaita Provincial Government for quick maintenance and improvement of all roads in Malaita Province, rather than waiting for funding from the national government which usually takes a long time to eventuate. In orderRead More

IRD income tax disadvantages citizens

DEAR EDITOR, I believe IRD Income Tax Act is all based on foreign concepts, foreign context and was generally a copy paste work. IRD local staff need to innovate and very creative in order to develop an Income Tax Act which is contextualised to our own environment and standard of living. As citizen of this country, it is sad to see local IRD staff trying to penalise its own people and citizen by implementing such adopted Foreign Income Tax laws to rip off hard work efforts of locals to earnRead More