New agriculture offices for Malaita and Isabel
MINISTRY of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) will establish offices in Malaita and Isabel provinces this year.
The Minister for MAL, Mr Duddley Kopu, said he is happy a major infrastructure development programme will take place in Malaita and Isabel province to establish the two new offices.
He said this is an indication of the ministry extending its programmes to rural areas in its vision and mission to livelihood and food security.
“I am happy to note major infrastructure development programme is to be implemented this year in Malaita and Isabel province in Auki and Buala,” Minister Kopu said.
He said in Isabel a historic launching of the Gozoruru Agricultural station is expected this month which will certainly boost how agriculture services are delivered there.
“Let us make this the beginning of a move to establish a network of agriculture field stations through which innovations can be tested and recommended for adoption by rural farmers,” Mr Kopu said.
Meanwhile, Hon Kopu reiterates that agriculture remains the means of livelihood and food security for more than 80 percent of our population in rural areas.
It also contributes to 30 percent of GDP, he adds.
“MAL and stakeholders are duty bound to ensure sector is providing for food security, livelihood, employment and economic growth,” Minister Kopu said.