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Gold Ridge mining set to roll

THE Ministry of Mines and Energy says operation at Gold Ridge Mining is expected to mobilise anytime this year.

Director of Mines Mr Thomas Toba said the Gold Ridge Mining Lease has been reinstated, and that paves a way forward for the much awaited development to kick off.

“Lately we heard that the lease has been cancelled and reinstated, so the status of Gold Ridge is that the mining lease is restored and all conditions from previous license under Gold Ridge Mining Limited (GRML) has also been restored,” he said.

Mr Toba said officials from Ministry of Mines have carried out awareness programmes with landowners and communities within Gold Ridge vicinity last month about the new operation.

He stressed that the awareness programmes are steps in which the Ministry at is capacity trying to assist the investor move forward.

Mr Toba said AXF Mining Company in partnership with Gold Ridge Community Investment (GCI) have been given the green light to repair, refurbish and upgrade the Gold Ridge plant to bring it back into operation.

“At this stage the investor and its local counterpart is trying to move forward with project.

“According to Company plans, this year the company will trying to solve their business plan before ground work will slowly taking shape at Gold Ridge,” he said.

Mr Toba continues to say that the investor will be responsible for the dewatering process which is expecting to take place very soon.

He said officials from the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Mines have already held awareness programme to educate people about the dewatering process.

Mr Toba said Gold Ridge Mining operation will be slow this with more work are expecting to unfold next year.

He said AXF Mining Company is proposing to have the first Gold produce in 2019, however the prediction depends on how fast the ground works and other preparation will go for the next two years.

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